Logo changes aren’t limited to building signs. Vehicle or truck graphics also need to be updated with new logos and other relevant information from time to time. We recently completed a truck graphics project for a company in San Francisco. The scope of work involved new logos, hood striping, and other text graphics. One of the challenges with this type of job is scheduling. The task of getting all the trucks in the same place for the work is a daunting one. But with creative planning with the client the job was successfully scheduled and completed. Here are some completion photos. #cWallA #scafco #truckgraphics #fleetgraphics
If you have any needs for new signs, graphics, or banners, please give us a call now at 408-224-2800, email us at sales@esignsunlimited.com, visit our website esignsunlimited.com, or tweet us @signsunlimited3 to see how we can help.
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