When a business moves into a new location, they usually need all new signs. But not always. Sometime we are able to move their old sign to the new location. The sign will obviously need to be refurbished but that may be more cost-effective that building a new one from scratch. Case and point; Flooring America. In this case the client did not have to move too far. And the new location was such that the old sign could fit appropriately. We removed the old sign, fully refurbished it, and re-installed it at the new location along with some door and window graphics. Here are few completion photos. #flooringamerica #channelletters
If you have any needs for new signs, graphics, or banners, please give us a call now at 408-224-2800, email us at sales@esignsunlimited.com, visit our website esignsunlimited.com, or tweet us @signsunlimited3 to see how we can help.
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