Every now and then we come across a unique logo that we need to create a sign from. Some logos require very creative approaches for fabrication. This is because the original graphic designers of these logos are not necessarily sign designers. They create logos that only look good on the screen or on prints. But we have to create a three dimensional illuminated signage from these logos. Here is an example of a unique logo that we turned into a actual illuminated sign. Of course these signs also had to be permitted through the city which poses its own set uf challenges. The client was very happy with the outcome. Please see some completion photos below. #hakulia #buildingsign #restaurantsign
If you have any needs for new signs, graphics, or banners, please give us a call now at 408-224-2800, email us at sales@esignsunlimited.com, visit our website esignsunlimited.com, or tweet us @signsunlimited3 to see how we can help.
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