Building signs come in many shapes and forms. In both commercial and industrial complexes, there is usually a master sign program that tenants must adhere to. This is mainly to keep a uniform look and feel throughout the whole property for aesthetic reasons. These master sign plans may also be filed with the city. In such cases ‘if’ a sign permit is needed, the city’s planning department will review the master sign program and verifies that any new proposed sign meets the program’s guidelines. Building signs may be illuminated or non-illuminated. In this case Kycon’s new building sign was non-illuminated. We fabricated the sign using brushed aluminum laminated PVC and standoffs for spacing. There are many creative ways to design and fabricate non-illuminated signs. Here are a few completion photos of Kycon’s new building sign. Please call us at 408-224-2800 or email us at for any sign, banner, or graphics you may need.